
Audience: Food manufacturing employees involved at any point in the production chain. This includes, but is not limited to, food manufacturing employees involved in production, preparation, processing, packaging, packing, storage, and handling of food and food products

Objective: At the end of this unit, New Mexico Food Manufacturing Employees will be able to:

  • List reasons for washing hands when processing or working with food.
  • Know where handwashing is allowed and how to correctly use hand sanitizers and gloves
  • Explain or demonstrate how to correctly wash your hands during food processing
To teach this module, follow the steps listed below:

  1. View Presentation Video
  2. View Presentation (PDF)
  3. View Presentation Script (PDF)
  4. Scenario worksheet
  5. Scenario worksheet answer key
  6. Why you should wash your hands for 20 seconds video
  7. Why you should wash your hands for 20 seconds (PDF)
  8. Poster how to properly wash your hands
  9. Final Quiz - Test the Knowledge Gained
  10. Quiz Key - Test Your Knowledge Gained
  11. How to properly wash your hands video (Spanish)
  12. Poster how to properly wash your hands (Spanish)