Home Food Preservation

Safe Food Preservation

Canning Supplies

  • KitchenKrafts
    Canning supplies, beer, wine, candy making, citric acid
  • Mrs. Wages
    (Pickling and pectin ingredients) 1-800-647-8170 - they will answer "Precision Foods")
  • Pressure Cooker Outlet
    Features a full line of Pressure Cookers & Pressure Cooker parts from Presto, Mirro, All American & Maitre's. There are three manufacturers of pressure canners in this country - Presto, Mirro, and All-American. There is no source for parts for other, older, brands of home canners. Unfortunately, unless a local hardware or other source happens to have old parts in stock, there is little choice but to buy a new canner.

Pressure Canners

Image of EHE evaluate canned goods 6/27/07 food preservation workshop Tucumcari NM
EHE evaluate canned goods 6/27/07
food preservation workshop Tucumcari NM
Image of Strawberry jam products 6/26/07 food preservation workshop Tucumcari NM
Strawberry jam products 6/26/07
food preservation workshop Tucumcari NM
Image of Following USDA jerky method 6/27/07 food preservation workshop Tucumcari NM
Following USDA jerky method 6/27/07
food preservation workshop Tucumcari NM
Image of Engineering student demonstrates meat slicer 6/27/07 food preservation workshop
Engineering student
demonstrates meat slicer
6/27/07 food preservation workshop